Sunday, July 31, 2011

We all choose, all the time

"A complete choice." - NcGc

A choice isn't a choice until it is!
Wavering isn't choosing.
Liking both or many options is OK.
Choosing cuts a path.
I'm going this way, not that way.
Regret is pointless - or is it?
Whatever you choose is fine - it's your life!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Feeling thanks.

"Feeling good about gratitude" - NcTg

How do I know
What's best for me?
I feel like giving thanks - positive gratitude.
My whole being is in alignment.
I'm on track.
No apology necessary.
All is well.

Don't settle for less than your best

"Is this best, for me?" - NcHe

Don't sabotage yourSelf.
Do I really want this?
If not, decide to do something else.
Something that serves you better.
What's best for you is what's best for others.
Don't doubt it.

I have no choice?

"There's no such thing as no choice!" - NcNc

I choose.
Consciously or unconsciously.
I choose what I want.
Making choices conscious choices,
That's the challenge.
I can do it.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's start from here - accepting where we are

"Identifying the problem" - NiYa

Do I accept who I am?
Am I sure?
Do I like who I am?
Do I want to change anything?
What do I want to change?
Who will that affect?
Does it matter?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Who loses?

"Isn't it sad when we don't take responsibility?" - NiSr

When no-one takes responsibility,
its easy to blame others,
anyone, except ourselves,
for harmful actions or inaction.
Let's stand up and be counted,
especially when we make mistakes.
Isn't that better for everyone?

Intend and expect success

"I am successful!" - NiPi

Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare!
It's true, dreams can't come true unless you have them.
However, just dreaming won't make dreams come true.
We need to want things passionately and intend to have them.
That's the difference that makes the difference.
Picture plus passion is 'prayer'. You Expect Success - YES!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Identifying who I am by what I'm doing

"My decisions create my identity." - NiGd

What I do
Is who I am.
I may not like all I do now.
That's OK. I can change things.
When I do only what I want to do
I don't have to apologise for being inauthentic.
Authenticity celebrates unique identity.

Who am I & what do I think?

"Valuing who I am and what I think." - NiTv

Denying who I am and what I really think helps no-one.
Least of all, me.
Acknowledging and valuing unique identity & thoughts
Is vital to self-esteem and well-being.
Knowing and growing who I am and what I think is what life is all about.
Rectifying mistakes - outcomes we don't like - is part of the process.
Accepting what is, is the best place to start.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Considering new ideas

"Shaping & reshaping my thinking." - NiHo

What and how I think is part of my identity.
I am open to new ways of thinking.
Feeling what resonates with me.
When I meet ideas that jar, I consider them ...
To see what they're offering me.
Integrating the learning, positive & negative.
Accepting what does and does not work for me at this time.

Knowing who you are!

"Identifying what you are not." - NiNi

I most definitely am not someone who ........
That! (What?)
What are you then?
Whatever I choose to be.
Great! What do choose to be right now?

One step at a time

"Step by step!" - NbYp

Boundaries are great!
Where would we be without them?
"All at sea!"
Anchor yourself, wherever you are.
Then step out on the next leg of your journey.
Don't wait.
There are endless possibilities. Enjoy as many as you can.

Live and let live.

"Be responsive to boundaries." - NbSr

Boundaries exist.
We need to feel them.
And respect them.
Otherwise damage will be done.
Our responsibility is to set and maintain our own boundaries.
Whilst allowing others to do the same.

Blurred vision?

"Create what's not there!" - NbPv

It's not there now.
Or is it?
Perhaps you can sense it coming?
Deciding in advance ...
Seeing in to the future ...
What you'd like to see.
That's how it can be.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Realize what needs strengthening

"Stand your ground." - NbGr

Boundaries can be crossed.
If they're open.
Weakness, like strength, is felt.
Realize what needs to be strengthened.
And strengthen it.
Apologize if appropriate.
And stand.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grateful for boundaries

"Whenever two things meet ... " - NbTa

Whether strong or weak
Give us clues
About how to behave in situations
We can assert our will
Backing-off if it offends
Or we can dance, enjoying the interaction.

Friday, July 15, 2011

We define ourselves with these.

"Meeting and paying attention to boundaries." - NbHa

Boundaries abound in physicality.
What do we do when we sense them?
Respect them?
Attack them?
What we want isn't necessarily what others want.
Se we violate, negotiate or walk away.
What's it to be?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reaching and crossing the boundary!

"Is there no limit to this?" - NbNb

The answer is No. I'm not going to stop my diet.
No debate.
I'm absolutely certain.
Today, having reached my first target, I continue.
Another 7lbs in another 7 weeks.
And the beginning of Phase II of my '7 Words Diet'.
28 weeks of clarifying my thinking, using 7 Words.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What an achievement!

"And now it continues!" - YsYs

No, I'm not giving up!
I already have my next target worked out and in my sights.
It feels good to be on target.
I've lost 28 lbs in 28 weeks, just as I intended, my BMI is now 25.8.
Now I intend to lose another 7 lbs in 7 weeks.
So, by 1 September 2011, I will have lost 35 lbs in 35 weeks.
And my BMI will then be 24.6, below 25 - at which point I am no longer 'overweight'!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Surrender to the urge?

"Instinctive impulses are good ... usually!" - YsSr

Release all guilt and blame.
They serve no-one.
Least of all you.
Live life to the full.
Do whatever that means for you.
Consider all consequences.
They're part of it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Passionate about losing weight and being healthy?

"YES - You Expect Success!" - YsPp

Praying? What's the point?
Picture plus passion is prayer.
Are you passionate about losing weight and being healthy?
Can you picture it? Being slimmer? Being healthier?
Praying with any doubt won't work!
Be sure what you want, ask for it, and let it come.
Then celebrate the inevitable!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One with our food

"Surrender and move on." - YsGm

Moving on ...
What comes after surrender?
Answer ... you do.
Everything starts and continues with No.
Who you are and what you do ...
... is up to you.
Happy with that?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The essence of surrender

"I won't say no to that!" - YsTh

Does it touch you?
It can, if we let it.
Feel yourself let go.
Trusting all will be well.
Including your physicality.
Be touched.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Whether we like it or not ...

"We are what we eat!" - YsHc

Many dislike the idea of surrender - "I'm not going to eat that!"
But what exactly is it? What does it mean, to surrender?
What does it ... can it ... feel like?
It needn't mean giving in or giving up - and eating things you'd really rather not.
It can mean active trust, complete trust, that all will be and is indeed well.
We need to take responsibility for what we choose to eat, and what we choose to trust.
Then we can actively and positively surrender to what must be.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trust and surrender

"Surrender to freedom!" - YsNt

True surrender?
What's that all about?
The feeling of complete trust that whatever happens is fine.
Better than fine.
Absolutely delightful.
What a relief, a release ... true freedom.
Let go and let 'god' - and 'god' includes you and me!

We agree?

"I agree. I agree. I do!" - YaYa

How can I not agree?
I either agree or I don't. Doubt means I don't!
Agreement is a feeling.
Acting as if I agree when I don't won't work.
It's not what I want to be doing.
So I won't do it. It's in no-one's best interest.
Least of all mine.

Token or total?

"Do you really mean it?" - YaSr

Agreements aren't always upheld.
Sometimes we let ourselves and others down.
Alignment is lost.
Temporarily or forever.
What happens then, like everything, is up to us.
Damage can be repaired, or compounded.
Outcomes demonstrate whether the agreement was token or total.

Good God?

"Ask for and receive cooperative support to implement your agreements." - YaPc

You can't do it alone!
At least, not as well, or as fast.
We can all use a little help at times.
So seek it.
It will come. It has to.
Our job is to recognise it when it arrives.
Welcome and embrace it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

In-complete agreement?

"Agreement is complete!" - YaGc

Agreement is in-herently complete.
Signed and sealed, inner moment.
Handshakes and hugs.
Moving-on ...
With clear, shared aims
And greater awareness
Of what must be.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's a gift! Don't forget it!

"Give yourself the gift of agreement." - YaTg

Agreement is a gift.
No contract necessary.
I want what you want.
Inner and outer alignment.
No wavering.
Until there is.
And then gratitude that an agreement exists realigns.

Friday, July 1, 2011

On target? What's next?

"Make a deal with yourself." - YaHe

First day of second half of the year and I'm right on target!
New horizons beckon.
Life feels good.
What's next?
Achieving my next target ...
... which is a BMI of 25, currently 25.7
Q.E.D.* - Quite Easily Done!

(*quod erat demonstrandum which means "what was to be demonstrated".)