Monday, October 31, 2011

Are you good at choosing and asking for what you want?

Ever wondered why?
How does it feel not to have your needs recognized and met?
What needs to change so they are?
Choose and ask for what you want.
Then, and only then, can you negotiate about the order in which all choices are met.
Yours and others'.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Realize the choices you make.

Say No to others' choices if they're not what you want.
Think about what you really want instead.
Consult your feelings.
Then choose and act.
Go for what gives you pleasure.
Without regrets.
It's the only way we can all be happy, isn't it?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Choice is a gift.

Unless we give, we can't receive.
We are always the first to receive in the act of giving.
Doesn't it feel good to give a gift?
No strings attached.
Just the shear pleasure of giving a well-chosen gift.
No strings attached?
What joy!

Make each choice a gift!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Curious about choices and those you make?

We all make choices all the time, even when we don't!
What choices are you making?
Do they serve you & make you feel good about yourself?
If not, make different choices.
Learn how to choose & how to ask for what you choose.
Otherwise no-one, including yourself, can ever give you what you desire.
Where's the fun in that?

Choose how satisfied you are!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

There's always a choice!

Even when we don't choose.
That's a choice.
It doesn't feel as good. It's not as empowering.
Making up your own mind and acting on it ...
That's choice!
If what you choose is not 'right' for you ...
Then, you've learned something really valuable.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Accept who you are and what you can become!

Your body can't lie! You know it can't.
We sometimes like to think otherwise.
But who are we fooling?
No-one except ourselves!
We are how we are, and we can be how we choose.
What we choose might mean work.
So be it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When you make mistakes, do you celebrate them?

Are you mostly free from guilt and shame?
We can learn from our mistakes
If we let ourselves feel genuine remorse
And consequently decide to repair the damage and move on.
Another lesson learned. Another notch on our bed of wisdom.
Sorry ain't Sorry unless it releases everyone from guilt, blame and shame.
Let's celebrate our mistakes, feel Sorry, learn and apply the hard-won lessons.

Can you say Sorry and mean it? And what does Sorry mean?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you good at choosing and asking for what you want?

Then are you a people-pleaser?
It feels good when those around us have what they want.
But what about what WE want?
If we're not getting what we want because we're no good at choosing and asking for it,
then, it's likely we're always doing what others want, which will eventually lead to resentment and blame.
And that's not good!

Have the courage to choose and ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT!

It's impossible to be helped until what's wanted is known - SPEAK UP!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cut it out!

Fix it, or get rid of it.
If it no longer serves you, be done with it.
Otherwise it's just a burden - a heavy, unnecessary load.
Put it down. Let it go. Leave it behind.
Oh, what freedom! What delight - to walk on without it.
No blame. No shame. No guilt.
It was what it was, and now you are what you are - lighter!

End activities and habits that no longer serve your well-being

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do you give sufficient care and attention to the health of your body, mind and soul?

It's so easy to take our health for granted, unless it isn't.
There is so much else these days clamouring for our attention.
How often do we really check in with our bodies when asked "How are you?"
Are we tired, achey, less than 100% in some way ... yet, do we admit it?
What would be better?
What would it take?
A little more TLC? Think about it.

Next time someone asks "How are you?" ask yourself "How healthy am I?"
Can you reply truly "I'm fit and healthy, thank you. You?"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Do you have a healthy and varied social life?

Do you say 'Hello' too often? I do.
It means I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that's going on in my life.
What's the answer? Value far more what I already have, and practice saying No to more new things.
I can also cut out unhelpful habits and activities to create more space in my life.
Then I can do more of what I really enjoy.
Without feeling guilty.
"Healthy" is the key here!

Addicted to anything? Try this test to see if it helps.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do you stick to your No decisions?

Can you say No, easily?  And when you do, do you stick to it?
When is it more difficult?
Saying Yes just to please others isn't a good idea.  It creates feelings of resentment.
Just say No!
Then you can do, or continue to do, exactly and only what you want to do.
There's no need to apologize or feel guilty.
Accepting that we all have the right to say No will make the world a better place.

Try this free test 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do you wake up feeling enthusiastic?

Set clear boundaries.
Don't worry about what you're missing.
Enjoy what you have.
It's a better way to be.
You can always move your boundaries later, if you wish.
Without guilt or blame.
Be enthusiastic, about your entire life!

Try these free tests and become more enthusiastic about life!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can you forgive and forget?

I stop those who intrude, and forgive them.
For me, the first is more difficult than the second - or is it?
The second is easier if I actually do the first.
Stopping intrusion is the key.
So let's do it.
Then we can forgive those who try to intrude.
Allowing cleaner more authentic relationships to emerge.

Try this free test